Tom Kerswill

Tom Kerswill
Age: 23
Starsign: Libra
Instrument(s) Played: Ac. Guitar, keyboards, didgereedoo, bazouki
Favourite Instrument ever owned: Yamaha guitar
Favourite band: Levellers
5 favourite albums/CD's

1) Radiohead – The Bends

2) Levellers – Headlights, White Lights and Black Tar Rivers

3) PJ Harvey – Is this Desire?
4) Afro Celt Sound System – Volume 3: Seed
5) Seth Lakeman – Kitty Jay
Current "Hot" CD playing on your system: Trimorphous – 3 track demo
Favourite celeb you'd like to share a jacuzzi with: Hmmm... I can't really think of any. Celebrities tend to be a bit boring!
Favourite food: Chocolate
Favourite Drink: Hmmm, toss-up between beer and hot chocolate (not good for the vocal chords I know!)
Favourite sport: None really

Favourite Place: Totnes.

Favourite Festival: Glastonbury
Favourite TV Show: I don't actually have a TV here at the moment!
Favourite Movie / Film: Lost in Translation
Favourite Book(s): The Rainbow, DH Lawrence
Favourite Website(s) : (how sad!)
Favourite Vehicle Owned: Battered Citroen BX
Best Job Ever Had: Musician
Worst / Most Embarrassing Job Ever Had: None of them have been very bad really!
Hobbies: Going to festivals, discovering new music, walking, linux music software
Dislikes: Microsoft software ;-)

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